7. Knowledge of the Absolute
punyo gandhah prthivyam ca
tejas casmi vibhavasau
jivanam sarva-bhutesu
tapas casmi tapasvisu
gandhah--fragrance; prthivyam--in the earth; ca--also;
tejah--temperature; ca--also; asmi--I am; vibhavasau--in
the fire; jivanam--life; sarva--all; bhutesu--living
entities; tapah--penance; ca--also; asmi--I am; tapasvisu--in
those who practice penance.
I am the
original fragrance of the earth, and I am the heat in fire. I am the life
of all that lives, and I am the penances of all ascetics.
means that which is not decomposed; punya is original. Everything
in the material world has a certain flavor or fragrance, as the flavor
and fragrance in a flower, or in the earth, in water, in fire, in air,
etc. The uncontaminated flavor, the original flavor, which permeates everything,
is Krsna. Similarly, everything has a particular original taste, and this
taste can be changed by the mixture of chemicals. So everything original
has some smell, some fragrance, and some taste. Vibhava means fire.
Without fire we cannot run factories, we cannot cook, etc., and that fire
is Krsna. The heat in the fire is Krsna. According to Vedic medicine, indigestion
is due to a low temperature in the belly. So even for digestion fire is
needed. In Krsna consciousness we become aware that earth, water, fire,
air and every active principle, all chemicals and all material elements
are due to Krsna. The duration of man's life is also due to Krsna. Therefore
by the grace of Krsna, man can prolong his life or diminish it. So Krsna
consciousness is active in every sphere.