7. Knowledge of the Absolute
bijam mam sarva-bhutanam
viddhi partha sanatanam
buddhir buddhimatam asmi
tejas tejasvinam aham
seed; mam--unto Me; sarva-bhutanam--of all living entities;
viddhi--try to understand; partha--O son of Prtha; sanatanam--original,
eternal; buddhih--intelligence; buddhi-matam--of the intelligent;
asmi--I am; tejah--prowess; tejasvinam--of the powerful;
aham--I am.
O son of
Prtha, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence
of the intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men.
means seed; Krsna is the seed of everything. In contact with material nature,
the seed fructifies into various living entities, movable and inert. Birds,
beasts, men and many other living creatures are moving living entities;
trees and plants, however, are inert--they cannot move, but only stand.
Every entity is contained within the scope of 8,400,000 species of life;
some of them are moving and some of them are inert. In all cases, however,
the seed of their life is Krsna. As stated in Vedic literature, Brahman,
or the Supreme Absolute Truth, is that from which everything is emanating.
Krsna is Parabrahman, the Supreme Spirit. Brahman is impersonal and Parabrahman
is personal. Impersonal Brahman is situated in the personal aspect--that
is stated in Bhagavad-gita. Therefore, originally, Krsna is the
source of everything. He is the root. As the root of a tree maintains the
whole tree, Krsna, being the original root of all things, maintains everything
in this material manifestation. This is also confirmed in the Vedic literature.
Yato va imani bhutani jayante. "The Supreme Absolute Truth is that
from which everything is born." He is the prime eternal among all eternals.
He is the supreme living entity of all living entities, and He alone is
maintaining all life. Krsna also says that He is the root of all intelligence.
Unless a person is intelligent he cannot understand the Supreme Personality
of Godhead, Krsna.