Chapter 3. Karma-yoga
prakrteh kriyamanani
gunaih karmani sarvasah
kartaham iti manyate
material nature; kriyamanani--all being done; gunaih--by
the modes; karmani--activities; sarvasah--all kinds of; ahankara-vimudha--bewildered
by false ego; atma--the spirit soul; karta--doer; aham--I;
The bewildered
spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature,
thinks himself to be the doer of activities, which are in actuality carried
out by nature.
Two persons,
one in Krsna consciousness and the other in material consciousness, working
on the same level, may appear to be working on the same platform, but there
is a wide gulf of difference in their respective positions. The person
in material consciousness is convinced by false ego that he is the doer
of everything. He does not know that the mechanism of the body is produced
by material nature, which works under the supervision of the Supreme Lord.
The materialistic person has no knowledge that ultimately he is under the
control of Krsna. The person in false ego takes all credit for doing everything
independently, and that is the symptom of his nescience. He does not know
that this gross and subtle body is the creation of material nature, under
the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and as such his bodily
and mental activities should be engaged in the service of Krsna, in Krsna
consciousness. The ignorant man forgets that the Supreme Personality of
Godhead is known as Hrsikesa, or the master of the senses of the material
body, for due to his long misuse of the senses in sense gratification,
he is factually bewildered by the false ego, which makes him forget his
eternal relationship with Krsna.