Chapter 16. The Divine
And Demoniac Natures
asatyam apratistham te
jagad ahur anisvaram
kim anyat kama-haitukam
apratistham--without foundation; te--they; jagat--the
cosmic manifestation; ahuh--is said; anisvaram--with no controller;
aparaspara--by mutual lust; sambhutam--cause; kim anyat--there
is no other cause; kama-haitukam--it is due to lust only.
They say
that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is
no God in control. It is produced of sex desire, and has no cause other
than lust.
The demonic
conclude that the world is phantasmagoria. There is no cause, no effect,
no controller, no purpose: everything is unreal. They say that this cosmic
manifestation arises due to chance material actions and reactions. They
do not think that the world was created by God for a certain purpose. They
have their own theory: that the world has come about in its own way and
that there is no reason to believe that there is a God behind it. For them
there is no difference between spirit and matter, and they do not accept
the Supreme Spirit. Everything is matter only, and the whole cosmos is
supposed to be a mass of ignorance. According to them, everything is void,
and whatever manifestation exists is due to our ignorance in perception.
They take it for granted that all manifestation of diversity is a display
of ignorance. Just as in a dream we may create so many things, which actually
have no existence, so when we are awake we shall see that everything is
simply a dream. But factually, although the demons say that life is a dream,
they are very expert in enjoying this dream. And so, instead of acquiring
knowledge, they become more and more implicated in their dreamland. They
conclude that as a child is simply the result of sexual intercourse between
man and woman, this world is born without any soul. For them it is only
a combination of matter that has produced the living entities, and there
is no question of the existence of the soul. As many living creatures come
out from perspiration and from a dead body without any cause, similarly,
the whole living world has come out of the material combinations of the
cosmic manifestation. Therefore material nature is the cause of this manifestation,
and there is no other cause. They do not believe in the words of Krsna
in Bhagavad-gita: mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram.
"Under My direction the whole material world is moving." In other words,
amongst the demons there is no perfect knowledge of the creation of the
world; every one of them has some particular theory of his own. According
to them, one interpretation of the scriptures is as good as another, for
they do not believe in a standard understanding of the scriptural injunctions.