Chapter 16. The Divine
And Demoniac Natures
ahankaram balam darpam
kamam krodham ca samsritah
mam atma-para-dehesu
pradvisanto 'bhyasuyakah
ego; balam--strength; darpam--pride; kamam--lust;
krodham--anger; ca--also; samsritah--having taken
shelter of; mam--Me; atma--one's own; para dehesu--in
other bodies; pradvisantah--blasphemes; abhyasuyakah--envious.
by false ego, strength, pride, lust and anger, the demon becomes envious
of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in his own body
and in the bodies of others, and blasphemes against the real religion.
A demoniac person,
being always against God's supremacy, does not like to believe in the scriptures.
He is envious of both the scriptures and of the existence of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. This is caused by his so-called prestige and his
accumulation of wealth and strength. He does not know that the present
life is a preparation for the next life. Not knowing this, he is actually
envious of his own self, as well as of others. He commits violence on other
bodies and on his own. He does not care for the supreme control of the
Personality of Godhead because he has no knowledge. Being envious of the
scriptures and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he puts forward false
arguments against the existence of God and refutes the scriptural authority.
He thinks himself independent and powerful in every action. He thinks that
since no one can equal him in strength, power, or in wealth, he can act
in any way and no one can stop him. If he has an enemy who might check
the advancement of his sensual activities, he makes plans to cut him down
by his own power.