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Chapter 11. The Universal Form


sanjaya uvaca
etac chrutva vacanam kesavasya
krtanjalir vepamanah kiriti
namaskrtva bhuya evaha krsnam
sa-gadgadam bhita-bhitah pranamya


sanjayah uvaca--Sanjaya said; etat--thus; srutva--hearing; vacanam--speech; kesavasya--of Krsna; krta-anjalih--with folded hands; vepamanah--trembling; kiriti--Arjuna; namaskrtva--offering obeisances; bhuyah--again; eva--also; aha krsnam--said unto Krsna; sa-gadgadam--faltering; bhita-bhitah--fearful; pranamya--offering obeisances. 


Sanjaya said to Dhrtarastra: O King, after hearing these words from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Arjuna trembled, fearfully offered obeisances with folded hands and began, falteringly, to speak as follows:


As we have already explained, because of the situation created by the universal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Arjuna became bewildered in wonder; thus he began to offer his respectful obeisances to Krsna again and again, and with faltering voice he began to pray, not as a friend, but as a devotee in wonder.

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