Chapter 9. The Most
Confidential Knowledge
yathakasa-sthito nityam
vayuh sarvatra-go mahan
tatha sarvani bhutani
mat-sthanity upadharaya
much as; akasa-sthitah--situated in space; nityam--always;
sarvatra-gah--blowing everywhere; mahan--great;
sarvani--everything; bhutani--created beings; mat-sthani--situated
in Me; iti--thus; upadharaya--try to understand.
As the mighty
wind, blowing everywhere, always rests in ethereal space, know that in
the same manner all beings rest in Me.
For the ordinary
person it is almost inconceivable how the huge material creation is resting
in Him. But the Lord is giving an example which may help us to understand.
Space is the biggest manifestation we can conceive. The cosmic manifestation
rests in space. Space permits the movement of even the atoms and on up
to the greatest planets, the Sun and the Moon. Although the sky (or wind
or air) is great, still it is situated within space. Space is not beyond
the sky.
all the wonderful cosmic manifestations are existing by the supreme will
of God, and all of them are subordinate to that supreme will. As we generally
say, not a blade of grass moves without the will of the Supreme Personality
of Godhead. Thus everything is moving under His will: by His will everything
is being created, everything is being maintained, and everything is being
annihilated. Still He is aloof from everything, as space is always aloof
from the activities of the atmosphere. In the Upanisads, it is stated,
"It is out of the fear of the Supreme Lord that the wind is blowing." In
the Garga Upanisad also it is stated, "By the supreme order, under
the superintendence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the moon, the
sun and the great planets are moving." In the Brahma-samhita this
is also stated. There is also a description of the movement of the sun,
and it is said that the sun is considered to be one of the eyes of the
Supreme Lord and that it has immense potency to diffuse heat and light.
Still it is moving in its prescribed orbit by the order and the supreme
will of Govinda. So, from the Vedic literature we can find evidence that
this material manifestation, which appears to us to be very wonderful and
great, is under the complete control of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
This will be further explained in the later verses of this chapter.