Chapter 8. Attaining
the Supreme
om ity ekaksaram brahma
vyaharan mam anusmaran
yah prayati tyajan deham
sa yati paramam gatim
combination of letters om (omkara); iti--thus; eka-aksaram--supreme,
indestructible; brahma--absolute; vyaharan--vibrating; mam--Me
(Krsna); anusmaran--remembering; yah--anyone; prayati--leaves;
tyajan--quitting; deham--this body; sah--he; yati--achieves;
paramam--supreme; gatim--destination.
After being
situated in this yoga practice and vibrating the sacred syllable om, the
supreme combination of letters, if one thinks of the Supreme Personality
of Godhead and quits his body, he will certainly reach the spiritual planets.
It is clearly
stated here that om, Brahman, and Lord Krsna are not different.
The impersonal sound of Krsna is om, but the sound Hare Krsna contains
om. It is clearly recommended in this age that if one quits his
body at the end of this life chanting the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna,
he will reach the spiritual planets. Similarly, those who are devotees
of Krsna enter the Krsna planet or Goloka Vrndavana, whereas the impersonalists
remain in the brahmajyoti. The personalists also enter many innumerable
planets in the spiritual sky known as Vaikunthas.