7. Knowledge of the Absolute
dvandva-mohena bharata
sarva-bhutani sammoham
sarge yanti parantapa
dvesa--hate; samutthena--born; dvandva--duality; mohena--overcome;
bharata--O scion of Bharata; sarva--all; bhutani--living
entities; sammoham--into delusion; sarge--in creation; yanti--go;
parantapa--O conqueror of enemies.
O scion of
Bharata [Arjuna], O conqueror of the foe, all living entities are born
into delusion, overcome by the dualities of desire and hate.
The real constitutional
position of the living entity is that of subordination to the Supreme Lord,
who is pure knowledge. When one is deluded into separation from this pure
knowledge, he becomes controlled by illusory energy and cannot understand
the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The illusory energy is manifested in
the duality of desire and hate. Due to desire and hate, the ignorant person
wants to become one with the Supreme Lord and envies Krsna as the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. Pure devotees, who are not so deluded or contaminated
by desire and hate, can understand that Lord Sri Krsna appears by His internal
potencies, but those who are deluded by duality and nescience think that
the Supreme Personality of Godhead is created by material energies. This
is their misfortune. Such deluded persons, symptomatically, dwell in dualities
of dishonor and honor, misery and happiness, woman and man, good and bad,
pleasure and pain, etc., thinking, "This is my wife; this is my house;
I am the master of this house; I am the husband of this wife." These are
the dualities of delusion. Those who are so deluded by dualities are completely
foolish and therefore cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead.