Chapter 4. Transcendental
yathaidhamsi samiddho 'gnir
bhasmasat kurute 'rjuna
jnanagnih sarva-karmani
bhasmasat kurute tatha
as; edhamsi--firewood; samiddhah--blazing; agnih--fire;
bhasmasat--turns into ashes; kurute--so does; arjuna--O
Arjuna; jnana-agnih--the fire of knowledge; sarva-karmani--all
reactions to material activities; bhasmasat--to ashes; kurute--it
so does; tatha--similarly.
As the blazing
fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn
to ashes all reactions to material activities.
Perfect knowledge
of self and Superself and of their relationship is compared herein to fire.
This fire not only burns up all reactions to impious activities, but also
all reactions to pious activities, turning them to ashes. There are many
stages of reaction: reaction in the making, reaction fructifying, reaction
already achieved, and reaction a priori. But knowledge of the constitutional
position of the living entity burns everything to ashes. When one is in
complete knowledge, all reactions, both a priori and a posteriori,
are consumed. In the Vedas it is stated, ubhe uhaivaisa ete taraty
amrtah sadhv-asadhuni: "One overcomes both the pious and impious interactions
of work."