Chapter 3. Karma-yoga
saktah karmany avidvamso
yatha kurvanti bharata
kuryad vidvams tathasaktas
cikirsur loka-sangraham
attached; karmani--prescribed duties; avidvamsah--the ignorant;
much as; kurvanti--do it; bharata--O descendant of Bharata;
kuryat--must do; vidvan--the learned; tatha--thus;
attachment; cikirsuh--desiring to; loka-sangraham--leading
the people in general.
As the ignorant
perform their duties with attachment to results, similarly the learned
may also act, but without attachment, for the sake of leading people on
the right path.
A person in
Krsna consciousness and a person not in Krsna consciousness are differentiated
by different desires. A Krsna conscious person does not do anything which
is not conducive to development of Krsna consciousness. He may even act
exactly like the ignorant person, who is too much attached to material
activities, but one is engaged in such activities for the satisfaction
of his sense gratification, whereas the other is engaged for the satisfaction
of Krsna. Therefore, the Krsna conscious person is required to show the
people how to act and how to engage the results of action for the purpose
of Krsna consciousness.