Chapter 3. Karma-yoga
karma brahmodbhavam viddhi
tasmat sarva-gatam brahma
nityam yajne pratisthitam
udbhavam--produced from; viddhi--one should know; brahma--the
Vedas; aksara--the Supreme Brahman (Personality of Godhead);
samudbhavam--directly manifested;
tasmat--therefore; sarva-gatam--all-pervading;
nityam--eternally; yajne--in
sacrifice; pratisthitam--situated.
activities are prescribed in the Vedas, and the Vedas are directly manifested
from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently the all-pervading
Transcendence is eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.
or the necessity of work for the satisfaction of Krsna only, is more expressly
stated in this verse. If we have to work for the satisfaction of the yajna-purusa,
Visnu, then we must find out the direction of work in Brahman, or the transcendental
The Vedas are therefore codes of working directions. Anything performed
without the direction of the Vedas is called
vikarma, or
unauthorized or sinful work. Therefore, one should always take direction
from the Vedas to be saved from the reaction of work. As one has
to work in ordinary life by the direction of the state, similarly, one
has to work under direction of the supreme state of the Lord. Such directions
in the Vedas are directly manifested from the breathing of the Supreme
Personality of Godhead. It is said: asya mahato bhutasya nisvasitam
etad yad rg-vedo yajur-vedah samavedo 'tharvan girasah. "The four Vedas--namely
the Rg-veda, Yajur-veda, Sama-veda and Atharva-veda--are
all emanations from the breathing of the great Personality of Godhead."
The Lord, being omnipotent, can speak by breathing air, as it is confirmed
in the Brahma-samhita, for the Lord has the omnipotence to perform
through each of His senses the actions of all other senses. In other words,
the Lord can speak through His breathing, and He can impregnate by His
eyes. In fact, it is said that He glanced over material nature and thus
fathered all living entities. After creating or impregnating the conditioned
souls into the womb of material nature, He gave His directions in the Vedic
wisdom as to how such conditioned souls can return home, back to Godhead.
We should always remember that the conditioned souls in material nature
are all eager for material enjoyment. But the Vedic directions are so made
that one can satisfy one's perverted desires, then return to Godhead, having
finished his so-called enjoyment. It is a chance for the conditioned souls
to attain liberation; therefore the conditioned souls must try to follow
the process of yajna by becoming Krsna conscious. Even those who
cannot follow the Vedic injunctions may adopt the principles of Krsna consciousness,
and that will take the place of performance of Vedic yajnas, or