Chapter 2. Contents of
the Gita Summarized
akirtim capi bhutani
kathayisyanti te 'vyayam
sambhavitasya cakirtir
maranad atiricyate
api--over and above; bhutani--all people;
speak; te--of you; avyayam--forever;
a respectable man; ca--also; akirtih--ill fame; maranat--than
death; atiricyate--becomes more than.
People will
always speak of your infamy, and for one who has been honored, dishonor
is worse than death.
Both as friend
and philosopher to Arjuna, Lord Krsna now gives His final judgment regarding
Arjuna's refusal to fight. The Lord says, "Arjuna, if you leave the battlefield,
people will call you a coward even before your actual fight. And if you
think that people may call you bad names but that you will save your life
by fleeing the battlefield, then My advice is that you'd do better to die
in the battle. For a respectable man like you, ill fame is worse than death.
So, you should not flee for fear of your life; better to die in the battle.
That will save you from the ill fame of misusing My friendship and from
losing your prestige in society."
So, the
final judgment of the Lord was for Arjuna to die in the battle and not