Chapter 2. Contents of
the Gita Summarized
klaibyam ma sma gamah partha
naitat tvayy upapadyate
ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam
tyaktvottistha parantapa
not; sma--take it; gamah--go in; partha--O son of
Prtha; na--never; etat--like this; tvayi--unto you;
upadyate--is befitting; ksudram--very little; hrdaya--heart;
tyaktva--giving up; uttistha--get up; param-tapa--O
chastiser of the enemies.
O son of
Prtha, do not yield to this degrading impotence. It does not become you.
Give up such petty weakness of heart and arise, O chastiser of the enemy.
Arjuna was addressed
as "the son of Prtha," who happened to be the sister of Krsna's father
Vasudeva. Therefore Arjuna had a blood relationship with Krsna. If the
son of a ksatriya declines to fight, he is a ksatriya in
name only, and if the son of a brahmana acts impiously, he is a
in name only. Such ksatriyas and brahmanas are unworthy sons
of their fathers; therefore, Krsna did not want Arjuna to become an unworthy
son of a ksatriya. Arjuna was the most intimate friend of Krsna,
and Krsna was directly guiding him on the chariot; but in spite of all
these credits, if Arjuna abandoned the battle, he would be committing an
infamous act; therefore Krsna said that such an attitude in Arjuna did
not fit his personality. Arjuna might argue that he would give up the battle
on the grounds of his magnanimous attitude for the most respectable Bhisma
and his relatives, but Krsna considered that sort of magnanimity not approved
by authority. Therefore, such magnanimity or so-called nonviolence should
be given up by persons like Arjuna under the direct guidance of Krsna.