Chapter 18. Conclusion--The Perfection of Renunciation
ya idam paramam guhyam
mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati
bhaktim mayi param krtva
mam evaisyaty asamsayah
idam--this; paramam--most; guhyam--confidential; mat--Mine;
bhaktesu--amongst devotees of; abhidhasyati--explains; bhaktim--devotional
service; mayi--unto Me; param--transcendental; krtva--having
done; mam--unto Me; eva--certainly; esyati--comes;
asamsayah--without doubt.
For one who
explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed,
and at the end he will come back to Me.
Generally it
is advised that Bhagavad-gita be discussed amongst the devotees
only, for those who are not devotees will neither understand Krsna nor
Bhagavad-gita. Those who do not accept Krsna as He is and Bhagavad-gita
as it is should not try to explain Bhagavad-gita whimsically and
become offenders. Bhagavad-gita should be explained to persons who
are ready to accept Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is
a subject matter for the devotees only and not for philosophical speculators.
Anyone, however, who tries sincerely to present Bhagavad-gita as
it is will advance in devotional activities and reach the pure devotional
state of life. As a result of such pure devotion, he is sure to go back
home, back to Godhead.