Chapter 18. Conclusion--The Perfection of Renunciation
tyajyam dosa-vad ity eke
karma prahur manisinah
na tyajyam iti capare
be given up; dosa-vat--as an evil; iti--thus; eke--one
group; karma--work; prahuh--said; manisinah--of great
thinkers; yajna--sacrifice; dana--charity; tapah--penance;
karma--work; na--never; tyajyam--is to be given up;
iti--thus; ca--certainly; apare--others.
Some learned
men declare that all kinds of fruitive activities should be given up, but
there are yet other sages who maintain that acts of sacrifice, charity
and penance should never be abandoned.
There are many
activities in the Vedic literatures which are subjects of contention. For
instance, it is said that an animal can be killed in a sacrifice, yet some
maintain animal killing is completely abominable. Although animal killing
in a sacrifice is recommended in the Vedic literature, the animal is not
considered to be killed. The sacrifice is to give a new life to the animal.
Sometimes the animal is given a new animal life after being killed in the
sacrifice, and sometimes the animal is promoted immediately to the human
form of life. But there are different opinions among the sages. Some say
that animal killing should always be avoided, and others say that for a
specific sacrifice it is good. All these different opinions on sacrificial
activity are now being clarified by the Lord Himself.