Chapter 18. Conclusion--The Perfection of Renunciation
ragi karma-phala-prepsur
lubdho himsatmako 'sucih
harsa-sokanvitah karta
rajasah parikirtitah
much attached; karma-phala--to the fruit of the work; prepsuh--desiring;
lubdhah--greedy; himsa-atmakah--and always envious; asucih--unclean;
harsa-soka-anvitah--complicated, with joy and sorrow; karta--such
a worker; rajasah--in the mode of passion; parikirtitah--is
But that
worker who is attached to the fruits of his labor and who passionately
wants to enjoy them, who is greedy, envious and impure and moved by happiness
and distress, is a worker in the mode of passion.
A person is
too much attached to certain kind of work or to the result because he has
too much attachment for materialism or hearth and home, wife and children.
Such a person has no desire for higher elevation in life. He is simply
concerned with making this world as materially comfortable as possible.
He is generally very greedy, and he thinks that anything attained by him
is permanent and never to be lost. Such a person is envious of others and
prepared to do anything wrong for sense gratification. Therefore such a
person is unclean, and he does not care whether his earning is pure or
impure. He is very happy if his work is successful and very much distressed
when his work is not successful. Such is a man in the mode of passion.