Chapter 18. Conclusion--The Perfection of Renunciation
tatraivam sati kartaram
atmanam kevalam tu yah
pasyaty akrta-buddhitvan
na sa pasyati durmatih
evam--certainly; sati--being; kartaram--of the worker;
atmanam--the self; kevalam--only; tu--but; yah--anyone;
pasyati--sees; akrta-buddhitvat--due to unintelligence; na--never;
sah--he; pasyati--sees; durmatih--foolish.
one who thinks himself the only doer, not considering the five factors,
is certainly not very intelligent and cannot see things as they are.
A foolish person
cannot understand that the Supersoul is sitting as a friend within and
conducting his actions. Although the material causes are the place, the
worker, the endeavor and the senses, the final cause is the Supreme, the
Personality of Godhead. Therefore, one should see not only the four material
causes, but the supreme efficient cause as well. One who does not see the
Supreme thinks himself to be the instrument.