Chapter 16. The Divine
And Demoniac Natures
etair vimuktah kaunteya
tamo-dvarais tribhir narah
acaraty atmanah sreyas
tato yati param gatim
these; vimuktah--being liberated; kaunteya--O son of Kunti;
tamah-dvaraih--the gates of ignorance; tribhih--three kinds
of; narah--a person; acarati--performs; atmanah--self;
sreyah--benediction; tatah--thereafter; yati--goes;
param--supreme; gatim--destination.
The man who
has escaped these three gates of hell, O son of Kunti, performs acts conducive
to self-realization and thus gradually attains the supreme destination.
One should be
very careful of these three enemies to human life: lust, anger, and greed.
The more a person is freed from lust, anger and greed, the more his existence
becomes pure. Then he can follow the rules and regulations enjoined in
the Vedic literature. By following the regulative principles of human life,
one gradually raises himself to the platform of spiritual realization.
If one is so fortunate, by such practice, to rise to the platform of Krsna
consciousness, then success is guaranteed for him. In the Vedic literature,
the ways of action and reaction are prescribed to enable one to come to
the stage of purification. The whole method is based on giving up lust,
greed and anger. By cultivating knowledge of this process, one can be elevated
to the highest position of self-realization; this self-realization is perfected
in devotional service. In that devotional service, the liberation of the
conditioned soul is guaranteed. Therefore, according to the Vedic system,
there are instituted the four orders of life and the four statuses of life,
called the caste system and the spiritual order system. There are different
rules and regulations for different castes or divisions of society, and
if a person is able to follow them, he will be automatically raised to
the highest platform of spiritual realization. Then he can have liberation
without a doubt.