Chapter 15. The Yoga
of the Supreme Person
yo mam evam asammudho
janati purusottamam
sa sarva-vid bhajati mam
sarva-bhavena bharata
mam--unto Me; evam--certainly; asammudhah--without
a doubt; janati--knows; purusa-uttamam--the Supreme Personality
of Godhead; sah--he; sarva-vit--knower of everything; bhajati--renders
devotional service; mam--unto Me; sarva-bhavena--in all respects;
bharata--O son of Bharata.
Whoever knows
Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, without doubting, is to be understood
as the knower of everything, and He therefore engages himself in full devotional
service, O son of Bharata.
There are many
philosophical speculations about the constitutional position of the living
entities and the Supreme Absolute Truth. Now in this verse the Supreme
Personality of Godhead clearly explains that anyone who knows Lord Krsna
as the Supreme Person is actually the knower of everything. The imperfect
knower goes on simply speculating about the Absolute Truth, but the perfect
knower, without wasting his valuable time, engages directly in Krsna consciousness,
the devotional service of the Supreme Lord. Throughout the whole of Bhagavad-gita,
this fact is being stressed at every step. And still there are so many
stubborn commentators on Bhagavad-gita who consider the Supreme
Absolute Truth and the living entities to be one and the same.
Vedic knowledge
is called sruti, learning by aural reception. One should actually
receive the Vedic messages from authorities like Krsna and His representatives.
Here Krsna distinguishes everything very nicely, and one should hear from
this source. Simply to hear like the hogs is not sufficient; one must be
able to understand from the authorities. It is not that one should simply
speculate academically. One should submissively hear from Bhagavad-gita
that these living entities are always subordinate to the Supreme Personality
of Godhead. Anyone who is able to understand this, according to the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, knows the purpose of the Vedas;
no one else knows the purpose of the Vedas.
The word
bhajati is very significant. In many places the word bhajati
is expressed in relationship with the service of the Supreme Lord. If a
person is engaged in full Krsna consciousness in devotional service of
the Lord, it is to be understood that he has understood all the Vedic knowledge.
In the Vaisnava parampara it is said that if one is engaged in the devotional
service of Krsna, then there is no need for a spiritual process to understanding
the Supreme Absolute Truth. He has already come to the point, because he
is engaged in the devotional service of the Lord. He has ended all preliminary
processes of understanding; similarly, if anyone, after speculating for
hundreds of thousands of lives, does not come to the point that Krsna is
the Supreme Personality of Godhead and that one has to surrender there,
all his speculation for so many years and lives is a useless waste of time.