Chapter 14. The Three
Modes Of Material Nature
gunan etan atitya trin
dehi deha-samudbhavan
vimukto 'mrtam asnute
etan--all these; atitya--transcending; trin--three;
dehi--embodied; deha--body; samudbhavan--produced
of; janma--birth; mrtyu--death; jara--old age; duhkhaih--distresses;
vimuktah--being freed from; amrtam--nectar; asnute--enjoys.
When the
embodied being is able to transcend these three modes, he can become free
from birth, death, old age and their distresses and can enjoy nectar even
in this life.
How one can
stay in the transcendental position, even in this body, in full Krsna consciousness,
is explained in this verse. The Sanskrit word dehi means "embodied."
Although one is within this material body, by his advancement in spiritual
knowledge he can be free from the influence of the modes of nature. He
can enjoy the happiness of spiritual life even in this body because, after
leaving this body, he is certainly going to the spiritual sky. But even
in this body he can enjoy spiritual happiness. In other words, devotional
service in Krsna consciousness is the sign of liberation from this material
entanglement, and this will be explained in the Eighteenth Chapter. When
one is freed from the influence of the modes of material nature, he enters
into devotional service.