Chapter 11. The Universal
vayur yamo 'gnir varunah sasankah
prajapatis tvam prapitamahas ca
namo namas te 'stu sahasra-krtvah
punas ca bhuyo 'pi namo namas te
yamah--controller; agnih--fire; varunah--water; sasa-ankah--moon;
prajapatih--Brahma; tvam--You; prapitamahah--grandfather;
ca--also; namah--offering respects; namah te--again
my respects unto You; astu--are being; sahasra-krtvah--a
thousand times; punah ca--and again; bhuyah--again; api--also;
namah--offer my respects; namah te--offering my respects
unto You.
You are air,
fire, water, and You are the moon! You are the supreme controller and the
grandfather. Thus I offer my respectful obeisances unto You a thousand
times, and again and yet again!
The Lord is
addressed here as air because the air is the most important representation
of all the demigods, being all-pervasive. Arjuna also addresses Krsna as
the grandfather because He is the father of Brahma, the first living creature
in the universe.