Chapter 11. The Universal
bhavapyayau hi bhutanam
srutau vistaraso maya
tvattah kamala-patraksa
mahatmyam api cavyayam
apyayau--disappearance; hi--certainly; bhutanam--of
all living entities; srutau--have heard; vistarasah--detail;
maya--by me; tvattah--from You; kamala-patra-aksa--O
lotus-eyed one; mahatmyam--glories; api--also; ca--and;
O lotus-eyed
one, I have heard from You in detail about the appearance and disappearance
of every living entity, as realized through Your inexhaustible glories.
Arjuna addresses
Lord Krsna as "lotus-eyed" (Krsna's eyes appear just like the petals of
a lotus flower) out of his joy, for Krsna has assured him, in the last
verse of the previous chapter, that He sustains the entire universe with
just a fragment of Himself. He is the source of everything in this material
manifestation, and Arjuna has heard of this from the Lord in detail. Arjuna
further knows that in spite of His being the source of all appearances
and disappearances, He is aloof from them. His personality is not lost,
although He is all-pervading. That is the inconceivable opulence of Krsna
which Arjuna admits that he has thoroughly understood.