Chapter 10. The Opulence
of the Absolute
dando damayatam asmi
nitir asmi jigisatam
maunam caivasmi guhyanam
jnanam jnanavatam aham
damayatam--of all separation; asmi--I am; nitih--morality;
asmi--I am; jigisatam--of the victorious; maunam--silence;
ca--and; eva--also; asmi--I am; guhyanam--of
secrets; jnanam--knowledge; jnana-vatam--of the wise; aham--I
Among punishments
I am the rod of chastisement, and of those who seek victory, I am morality.
Of secret things I am silence, and of the wise I am wisdom.
There are many
suppressing agents, of which the most important are those that cut down
the miscreants. When miscreants are punished, the rod of chastisement represents
Krsna. Among those who are trying to be victorious in some field of activity,
the most victorious element is morality. Among the confidential activities
of hearing, thinking and meditating, silence is most important because
by silence one can make progress very quickly. The wise man is he who can
discriminate between matter and spirit, between God's superior and inferior
natures. Such knowledge is Krsna Himself.