Chapter 10. The Opulence
of the Absolute
mrtyuh sarva-haras caham
udbhavas ca bhavisyatam
kirtih srir vak ca narinam
smrtir medha dhrtih ksama
sarva-harah--all-devouring; ca--also; aham--I am;
udbhavah--generation; ca--also; bhavisyatam--of the
future; kirtih--fame; srih vak--beautiful speech; ca--also;
narinam--of women; smrtih--memory; medha--intelligence;
dhrtih--faithfulness; ksama--patience.
I am all-devouring
death, and I am the generator of all things yet to be. Among women I am
fame, fortune, speech, memory, intelligence, faithfulness and patience.
As soon as a
man is born, he dies at every moment. Thus death is devouring every living
entity at every moment, but the last stroke is called death itself. That
death is Krsna. All species of life undergo six basic changes. They are
born, they grow, they remain for some time, they reproduce, they dwindle
and finally vanish. Of these changes, the first is deliverance from the
womb, and that is Krsna. The first generation is the beginning of all future
The six
opulences listed are considered to be feminine. If a woman possesses all
of them or some of them she becomes glorious. Sanskrit is a perfect language
and is therefore very glorious. After studying, if one can remember the
subject matter, he is gifted with good memory, or smrti. One need
not read many books on different subject matters; the ability to remember
a few and quote them when necessary is also another opulence.